As I have come to find out throughout my life, and now more than ever being a missionary, I need the daily strength that the Book of Mormon gives. I have come to this knowledge as I have prayerfully read and pondered the sacred message it contains of our Savior Jesus Christ and his commandment. I have also come to a knowledge that I can only receive that power if I am obedient to the things in which I read. Obedience is key to receiving revelation and answers to concerns and questions we may have. At times we need to exercise our faith when a decision needs to be made, knowing that Heavenly Father is aware of us and will guide our paths only to help us progress. We may fall or become lost sometimes, but through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ we can be made whole and return back to our path of obedience and righteous. Its in the Book of Mormon that we find true and everlasting peace in this life and the life to come.
My humble prayer is that we all take the time to read daily the Book of Mormon even if it is just five minutes. I can promise that you will see the hand of the Lord more abundantly in your life just as I have seen in mine own.
We had 13 people in sacrament meeting on Sunday, but it felt as though it was an army of 1,000. The members are strong and faithful. We are steadily growing and gaining power from heaven as Elder Gallen and I join in praying for these people. The investigators are beginning to progress at a more rapid pace in just 2 weeks since I first got here. I can attribute this to the sacred power that is in the Book of Mormon and the obedience we have given to the words in which it contains. This is the Lords true church upon the earth today and he is watching over all of us.
Faith + Obedience = Miracles
I love you all and am indebted to my Heavenly father for the blessings in which you are to me. The Book of Mormon is true. Jesus is the Christ. President Monson is at the head of this church. He leads and guides us through divine revelation. As we obey we will be blessed. This is a gospel of happiness, smile and enjoy the blessings it brings.
Elder O'Neil